From the cleanse, I want to share with you all one of my favorite recipes. It is a recipe for a low-glycemic smoothie (meaning low in sugar), and this has been something that I continue to make after the cleanse simply because I love the taste of it. I know that there are a lot of fruit-smoothie recipes out there that taste great, but this one is unique in that it uses very little fruit and you still get the sweet taste along with all the health benefits.
The ingredients for the smoothie are:
- A handful of spinach
- Half of an avocado (or 1/4 if it's a big avocado)
- A cup of almond milk
- A splash of fresh squeezed lemon juice
- A cup of berries (I like blueberries, it has less seeds than raspberries and strawberries)
- A few drops of liquid stevia or a table packet of stevia (available at any local health food store)
- A few dashes of cinnamon (optional)
Recipe adapted from The 7 Day Candida Cleanse Challenge by Tracy McCullough of |
Blend all of these ingredients in a blender and voila! You get a delicious, nutritious smoothie packed with all the vitamins and minerals that will really keep you going for the day. I don't know about you, but there is nothing more satisfying to me than putting something good and healthy in my body.